Monthly Archives: October 2014

Week 8

Literacy – oral feedback

  1.  ‘Guess Who/What?’: the simple party trick of common fame that students love. Place a key word/character/concept etc. onto a post it and place it upon the forehead of a student – they subsequently have a limited number of questions they can ask before they guess the term/topic on the post it.
  2. Taboo (recommended for more able students): Give the student a word they have to make the rest of the class/team guess.  However, you must prevent students from using the most obvious words by making them TABOO.
  3. Talk partners: Ask students to share their ideas with one another before sharing with the group/class.

Week 6


  1. Tension chart – give score out of 5 for tension at various points in a text.  Plot on graph and review findings.
  2. Draw a simple timeline of events covered so far.
  3. Break the code to identify the 3 main points of today’s lesson/activity/learning (a=b, b=c….)